Stars - Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty, Christian Camargo and some well-known cameos
Director - Kathryn Bigelow
Memorable Quote - 'You know you can shoot people here. You don't have to throw wrenches.'
Review - An interesting one, this - while I did enjoy it, I didn't quite think it was worthy of all the attention it has received. Yes, the cinematography and direction are very good, but there is a complete lack of storyline, and for me that's nothing more than a pretentious attempt at being realistic. I spent the whole film waiting for the storyline to actually start, but there just wasn't one. So a little disappointing in that way, but it was well acted, and as I said the camera work was nice (though not particularly exciting). 3.5/5
Stars - Stephen Rea, Sarah Patterson, a whole load of creepy people
Director - Neil Jordan
Memorable Quote - 'If there's a beast in men, it meets its match in women too.'
Review - Uh, well, wow. I guess the animatronics were cutting edge back then, eh? Shame that they look so... ridiculous now. And, like most adventure movies aimed at young girls, there was so much wrong with this story I don't even believe it. I mean, come ON, the werewolf was not the kind of man anyone would go for unless they had a brain tumour, no eyes, and had lost their hearing. Plus, SHE WAS REALLY YOUNG eugh paedophiles. 1/5
Stars - Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Diane Kruger, Christoph Waltz, Daniel Bruhl, Melanie Laurent
Director - Quentin Tarantino
Memorable Quote - 'The German will be sickened by us, and the German will talk about us, and the German will fear us. And when the German closes their eyes at night and they're tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done, it will be with thoughts of us they are tortured with. Sound good?'
Review - ARGHHHH this film is awesome! Tarantino's done it again - great script, great directing, great acting... Everything you could wish for, including a surprise twist ending and characters so good that you get all sentimental when they die. Also, isn't Eli Roth just great? Christoph Waltz deserved the praise he got - the interrogation scene between him, Pitt and his sidekick was hilarious. I particularly enjoyed the soldier who'd just had a son, the war hero, the Gestapo-murdering German, and the French girl with a penchant for revenge; and the best scenes a mon avis were the interrogation, the cinema finale, and the bar scene; though of course there were many great moments. There were also about 30,000 quotable lines, especially from Lt. Aldo Raine. I'm extremely glad I bought this on DVD, because I'm certainly going to watch it again. 5/5