Stars - Leonardo diCaprio, Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Michael Caine, Cillian Murphy, Marion Cotillard
Director - Christopher Nolan
Memorable Quote - 'I bought the airline. It seemed neater.'
Review - First off, I'm not sure we should be surprised if a movie with this cast list is awesome. How many awesome people can you fit in a movie at one time? The answer is apparently eight. At stage eight cities start turning in on themselves and the audience's brain starts to melt; at nine awesome people the world will explode. True movie physics. Anyway, I will now attempt to write a full review of this film without devolving into fangirl squeeing, so bear with me. The concept is very well done here: I'm usually very good at understanding movies first time out, and it's quite hard to confuse me these days - one of my most repeated complaints, you might have noticed, is that so many movies are too predictable. This one, though, had me hanging on by the edge of my teeth, particularly as it began without a true explanation of what was going on. The cast are all excellently chosen, and I have nothing to argue with in that area whatsoever, nor indeed in the area of the script. My favourite line? 'Don't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling!'. The visual effects were stunning (obviously) and the plot was both compelling and thought provoking. And now about a million people are probably trying to find out if they're awake or not with their own totems. The reason this is so exciting is because it has raised the bar for the entire movie industry: the challenge is now out there to make something more intelligent, better cast, with better visuals and a more action-packed/intriguing plot. My thoughts? Bring it on. This is just what worldwide audiences need. 5/5
Also, as an enjoyable side note, Inception memes are now pretty much my favourite thing ever. Click here to discover an Inception Memes tumblr.
#2 - TEETH
Stars - John Hensley, Jess Weixler, Hale Appleman, Ashley Springer
Director - Mitchell Lichtenstein
Memorable Quote - 'I can't believe you're still alive!'
Review - I would say that this was the most ridiculous movie I've ever seen, but then again I have seen Zombie Strippers. It was actually kind of hilariously bad, especially once the attacks started; it's hilarious, for instance, that putting in someone from Nip/Tuck makes everything seem much more believable. 'Oh sure,' you think, 'That's the guy who couldn't decide if he was gay or not and got his Dad's girlfriend pregnant, I completely believe he could be in love with his step-sister from the age of 5.' However, there is nothing really in this movie that makes any sense at all. I can't figure out whether it was intentional or not, but if it was then they did it badly because I can't tell. And if it is supposed to be a spoof, then why use an original storyline? This could have been done so much better no matter what the intention was, and really it was just laughable. But not laughable enough that I actually laughed. The only entertainment value really is imagining how you would use that power if you had it, and wondering if there really are people that are so obnoxious about their beliefs and so eager to betray them as well. Oh, I also don't really know why they picked such a plain girl to apparently be this massive boy magnet, because seriously, if I was possessed of male genitalia, I wouldn't be putting it in her. Maybe the director just got all cocky because his first name is like a last name and his last name is like a country. 2/5

Stars - Travis Richey, Ryan Churchill, Brian Giovanni, Nicholas Brendon
Director - Rob Wood
Memorable Quote - "You know, now that I think about it, one time I saw him lift the whole couch with just one hand. Oh, and he plugs himself in to recharge. Oh, and then the other day, we were sparring, and it kinda got rough, and uh... metal. Under the flesh of his arm."
Review - Although this is a short webseries instead of a full length television series, I still feel that RNGG deserves a review. It is certainly one of the funniest things I've seen on youtube - yes, even funnier than those cats that can play piano and say words that sound like human words - and at around five to ten minutes per episode, it's a small dose of fun to take you through your day when you don't have enough time for a break. You can find all of season one at RNGG.com, as well as an appeal for donations to make season two happen. This series is already picking up interest from those in the know - Nicholas Brendon of Buffy fame has guest-starred, and they've even been granted their own IMDB page. Robot is endearingly needy as well as hilariously untactful, Ninja is as mysterious as he is amusing, and Gay Guy (who does have a name, you know) serves ironically as the 'straight guy' looking for love and friendship. Right from the first episode you'll be gigglesnorting into your cornflakes, and it's well worth checking out if only for the fact that you'll only lose a few minutes of your life if you don't share my opinion of it. Seriously though, I'm right. It's awesome. Trust me. 5/5