Stars - Andy Serkis, Ray Whinstone, Naomie Harris, and, briefly, Mackenzie Crook
Director - Mat Whitecross
Memorable Quote - Mostly a load of song lyrics
Review - Hmm. Now, don't get me wrong, usually I LOVE odd movies - but this one was just, well, odd. I think the jury (Or Dury, haha) is still out on this one where I'm concerned, inasmuch as I can't tell whether it was odd in a good way or whether it went too far. Of course you can't have a film about someone like Ian Dury be all boring and normal, I'm just not sure it needed to go this far off the wall. The start was especially confusing, and if the rest of the film had followed that format this would have been an instant 1 out of 5. I get the feeling the only thing that really saved it was the fact that Andy Serkis is pretty damn good at character acting. Also, potentially not something you would want to use as a guide to good parenting. 2/5
Stars - Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston, Gary Kemp, DeVaughn Nixon
Director - Mick Jackson
Memorable Quote - "Frank: Alexander Graham Bell, to see Miss Marron.
Intercom voice: You got an appointment?
Frank: Yeah... the atomic number of zinc is thirty."
Review - Well, what a load of old cheese! Whitney takes a roll that might throw some uncomfortable glances on her own life, considering how close the two are, and Costner's portrayal of the titular character is not what I would call attractive. Still, the story goes as the story goes, and of course there's that dramatic scene just before she gets on the plane for good (personally I prefer the Friends version). There is some humour, but not enough to carry it through. Sadly, I think this is yet another 'eighties classic' that simply does not stand the test of time, thanks to the fashion, the technology, and above all the storyline. 2/5
Stars - Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law, Rachel MacAdams, Eddie Marsan, Mark Strong, Hans Matheson
Director - Guy Ritchie
Memorable Quote - "Sherlock Holmes: Un moment, s'il vous plait.
Dredger: Je ne suis pas pressé."
Review - I think it says something, first of all, that there were about fifty other quotes I could have put as 'memorable', even without having to rewatch the movie. Which, by the way, I have done. Downey Jr is impressive here, pulling a performance that could easily have rivaled a Johnny Depp portrayal, and MacAdams is also on simmering form. Law shows his lack of consistency by putting an excellent performance, much better than the ones he has provided of late, and all in all the cast is quite excellent, rounded off nicely by Eddie Marsan (who, of course, made an astonishingly skillful appearance in 'Little Dorritt' for BBC1 last year). The script and direction were outstanding, as well as the humour, which gave an expert balance between comedy and realism. Law and Downey Jr are the perfect squabbling friends, and you know even from the very first scenes that it is not possible for Watson to leave as he says he will. If I was to list everything I like about this film we would be here all year, so suffice it to give my recommendation for anyone and everyone to watch it, and to give my score: 5/5
Also, I was going to provide another picture here, but there were so many good stills I just couldn't decide. Sample them at your own delight here.