Stars - Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette, Richard Burgi
Director - Curtis Hanson
Memorable Quote - 'When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit.'
Review - As far as chick-flick coming of age type things go, I suppose this is alright. Diaz plays her usual childish spoilt girl character, but Collette puts in a better performance as the hard-done-by sister. This is something you might want to watch for an easy night in, as it is unchallenging, but therefore doesn't blow you away. 3/5
Stars - Russel Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams
Director - Kevin Macdonald
Memorable Quote - 'You're just seeking the truth. You're a truth seeker. You can't help it, that is just who you are.'
Review - Russel Crowe and Ben Affleck are perhaps badly matched here, as Crowe looks too old and Affleck has officially lost any sort of acting prime he once had. McAdams is better than either of them, and the film is carried through by its storyline alone. It's nice when things all fit together perfectly, a bit like that Honda advert, and the people involved in this project were clearly aware of that. However, some of the twists were predictable and some of them were not really all that interesting. A good film that could have been so much better. 3.5/5
#3 - 2012
Stars - John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Woody Harrelson, Thandie Newton
Director - Roland Emmerich
Memorable Quote - 'The world, as we know it, will soon come to an end.'
Review - I decided that Yuri was my favourite character just before the plane crashed. That kind of thing happens to me all the time... anyway, I'm not entirely sure that John Cusack is a saving-the-world kinda guy. I certainly don't believe he can drive that well. Thandie Newton is annoying as ever, but certain other characters were quite entertaining. I'm not entirely sure why Tamara had to die, and it is entirely too convenient that Carl would also die. Love the way the kids weren't particularly upset by that, by the way. Overall a disappointing movie. Woody Harrelson's a bit of a legend, though. 3.5/5
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