Stars - George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick, J K Simmons
Director - Jason Reitman
Memorable Quote - 'Some animals were meant to carry each other, to live symbiotically over a lifetime. Star crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not swans. We are sharks.'
Review - This is a very touching movie, if only for the heartbreaking and also somewhat terrifying reality that it presents. The way his life is shown at first seems unreal - everything is too modern, too fast-moving, and it seems hard to believe that people really can live this way. But, of course, there are people who do fly around constantly for their jobs. There are people like Alex who have a family that they return to between each flight, and there are people like Ryan who hardly know their families at all. There are also people like Natalie who are too young to know enough to realise the repercussions of their actions, and who fall in love too easily. The point of showing you this man doing his talk about how everyone should be alone, a talk you will of course believe to be wrong, is that in the end he was right. If he had followed his philosophy instead of falling for Alex, he would never have minded the fact that he was on his own. Which is kind of a depressing point to make, really. 4/5
Stars - Joe Walker, Jim Povolo, Darren Kriss, Bonnie Greusen, Lauren Lopez, Joe Moses, Brian Holden, Joey Richter, etc etc etc
Director - Matt Lang
Memorable Quote - See below
Review - Following on from my last post's review of A Very Potter Musical, if you loved that, you'll love this. Many of the cast members return, albeit some of them in different roles, and this is set in the first year of Hogwarts rather than the second, although it actually happens after the events of the last one because they've gone back in time... er. Of course this all makes for plenty of comic moments, and stand-out appearances include Jim Povolo (he of Goyle fame) as Firenze, he who was Cedric Diggory now becoming Lucius Malfoy, and of course Draco with his (her) ever-magnificent entrances. Joe Walker returns as Delores Umbridge, who is pretty damn scary, and there is a new appearance in the form of Brian Holden's Lupin. As before, my best moments:
1. Oh sh*t! You guys are kids! I've got to watch my damn mouth around you little bastards! I'm sorry. Shoot!. I've got to watch my damn mouth around you little bastards. (And the repetitions of this theme)
2. Did you get my text? ... Well you didn't text me back!
3. Lucius: You'll pay for this!
4.Snape: Why that's absurd!
Lupin: You're absurd!
Snape: What?! SAY THAT TO MY FACE!
5. What the devil is going on heeeere?
6. I… am a racist. I despise gingers, and mudbloods, I hate Gryffindor house, and my parents work for the man who killed your parents, do you want to be my friend?
7. You know, using the potty is a GREAT time to socialize! You just look over to the stall next to you, and you just have a right chat with your neighbor! 'Oh! Hello there! First time using the potty too, eh? Good luck, my man.
8. I drew a picture of you. Pay special attention to the shading on your sweater, it's... rather good. It´s.. quite good. You know... it´s probably the best I´ve ever
done. Actually... can I have that back? Wait... no... I´m TAKING IT! I´ve stolen your favorite drawing! Look, what do you think of this?
*rips drawing* *gasp* NO! Goyle paste it!
9. Lucius: 'She choreographed an affair behind my back with someone I trusted, someone I may have even loved…'
Harry: 'Ollivander?'
Hermione: 'Filch?'
Ron: 'Regulus Black, Sirius’ brother?'
Yaxley : 'Me?!'
10. Red Vines...What the hell can't they do?
Best songs were 'Hermione can't draw', its variant 'Lupin can't sing', and 'Guys Like Potter.' 4.5/5
#3 - The Proposal
Stars - Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Betty White
Director - Anne Fletcher
Memorable Quote - Margaret: 'What am I allergic to?'
Andrew: 'Pine nuts, and the full spectrum of human emotion.'
Review - I'll admit it: having seen the trailer about fifteen thousand times, I expected this to be a loosely structured plot linking together the trailer gags with little else in the way of entertainment. I was pleasantly surprised. Although I did spend the entire movie thinking about how oddly shaped Reynolds' face is, I giggled quite a lot too. Of course this isn't a brain-stretcher, but the banter between the Reynolds/Bullock characters is very witty and the Gammy character is adorably funny. This is worth an evening in with a pizza and maybe even cake, for sure, as the entertainment value is high with little need to put much thought in. For a feel-good movie, as well, it actually manages to be quite convincing - the way they argue at the start, they could be lovers anyway, so the transition is easy to swallow. Best part was definitely the whole you're naked/you're wet exchange - total cringe. 3.5/5
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