Stars - Liza Minnelli, Michael York, Helmut Griem, Joel Grey, Marisa Berenson
Director - Bob Fosse
Memorable Quote - 'Screw Max.' 'I do!' '... I do too.'
Review - I was ridiculously surprised by this movie! For some reason I expected something trashy and probably annoying, but this is not the case at all. The songs are catchy and contain a lot of... well, subtleties. The song about three people in a bed foreshadows directly the relationship between the three of them. Sally is a little overwhelming at times, but her zest for life and sense of fun is infectious, while Brian is just completely cute all the way through, during his transformation from awkward English gentleman to bohemian tie and hat wearing father-to-be. I loved the scene where he finally snapped - 'For God's sake, I wish you could hear yourself sometimes! I mean, really hear yourself! CHRIST!' The best song had to be 'Money makes the world go round', with that way of performing so that their voices swap in dominance, and the Master of Ceremonies worked brilliantly as a foil, narrator, and entertaining character. The denouement was really quite sad, and the subtle history lesson we were being given was also wonderful. Particularly during the very last scene - suddenly we notice that the club, from which Nazis used to be thrown out, is now full of them. It's creepy, and it's also true to history. This was an enjoyable experience which I wouldn't mind repeating, and which I recommend to anyone else who hasn't seen it yet. If only to remember that Liza Minnelli did once look human. 4/5
Stars - Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson, Bob Hoskins
Director - Wayne Wang
Memorable Quote - 'What we do, Miss Ventura, does not define who we are. What defines us is how well we rise after falling.'
Review - A re-watch here. Ah, December TV! All the old films are back on again. Generally speaking, Bob Hoskins is quite cool, but this is really nothing more than your average rags to riches romance. He's the rich politician, she's the poor maid, how can they ever be accepted by society, etc etc. However, it does seem a little bit like he only decides to be with her in the end to further his political image, since they can't really, honestly be that attached to each other after only two dates, both of which she was lying to him throughout. It is quite ridiculous that a little Hispanic boy would be able to just wander into a press conference like that, also. It's never really going to be brain candy, is it, a film with J. Lo? But still, it's not entirely hateful and unenjoyable - you get to gawk a bit at just how large her bum actually is. 2/5
Stars - Paul Bettany, Lucas Black, Adrianne Palicki, Kevin Durand, Dennis Quaid
Director - Scott Charles Stewart
Memorable Quote - Bob: 'You know this is crazy, right? I mean... I don't even believe in God.'
Michael: 'Well, that's just fine, Bob. He doesn't believe in you either.'
Review - This movie... this movie. There was so much potential in this movie. Anyone says the name 'Paul Bettany' and you know you have to pay attention, since he usually picks great roles, but this fell just short of the mark. First off, the special effects were not very good at all - I was reminded a little of the fire scene in Queen of the Damned, which was badly done by 2002's standards, and it surprised me greatly that they could not come up with something better in 2010. Maybe it was a budget thing, but still - if you can't do something well enough, just take it out of the movie! There were also a hell of a lot of plot holes. Things like, why isn't Michael on lookout since he doesn't have to sleep? Why isn't Michael on the roof since he's the best shot? Why did Michael fly off, leaving that poor boy to climb all the way up the mountain, when he could have given him a lift? Generally there were a million questions that arose from the plot, and the final scene screamed sequel like nothing before. It seemed mostly like half a story, or only part of a story, rather than a whole film in itself, which is really quite wrong, even if it is intended to be part of a series. Also, it was a little strange that all the posters, DVD prints, etc, had Paul Bettany with wings on, when in the actual movie he cuts them off five minutes in. So much potential - so much potential wasted. 3/5
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