Stars - Johnny Depp, Heather Graham, Ian Holm, Robbie Coltrane
Director - Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes
Memorable Quote - '"From Hell". Well at least they got the address right.'
Review - This is a rewatch, and quite an enjoyable one. A side-note here is that if you're ever in London with nothing planned, you should definitely check out one of the 'Jack the Ripper' walking tours, they are excellent. If you're lucky in your choice of guide, they are also hilarious. Then, when you've been on one of those, watch this movie, and it will all unfold like a prophetic vision! All of that aside, I don't think it's possible to find a bad Johnny Depp film these days, so you probably already know what kind of a verdict this will get from the cast list. It takes a neat twist on the tale by following the inspector rather than the Ripper himself, and while it does give an explanation we know that this is only conjecture. The rather romantic ending - with Kelley's disappearance rather than death - is, sadly, complete fabrication, though it does make a nice ending, doesn't it? And in the land of film, that's all that matters. Good effects, just enough gore, nice script and a beautifully created atmosphere: suitable for all fans of the murder mystery and/or Johnny Depp. 4/5
Stars - Rose McGowan, Freddy Rodriguez, Josh Brolin, Marley Shelton, Bruce Willis, Naveen Andrews, Stacey Ferguson
Director - Robert Rodriguez,
Memorable Quote - 'It's go go, not cry cry.'
Review - First off, I haven't seen 'Death Proof' yet, which is why this is not a double review feature. Possibly some of the effect is lost when you don't see them together, but that's something I won't be able to comment on until a later date. Taking it as a film in it's own right, this is probably one for the nerds. If things like a 'missing reel' in the middle of the action, scratchy effects all over the screen, and distortion of the images sounds appealing to you, go watch this immediately, because you'll love it. It's funny, sometimes almost kitsch, and entertaining throughout. 'Ugly Betty' fans might be a little bemused by the appearance of sandwich guy Gio appearing as an epic badass who manages to achieve a kill count of at least fifty as well as impregnating a one-legged go-go dancer in one hit, though he takes to the role well; McGowan is edgily sympathetic, and Shelton can't help but make you think of Uma Thurman in 'Kill Bill'. With all the hallmarks of a Tarantino/Rodriguez flick, I think it's worth giving it a shot if you liked movies by either director in the past - it's unlikely to disappoint in the entertainmanet stakes. 4/5
Stars - Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Kim Cattrall, Olivia Williams
Director - Roman Polanski
Memorable Quote - 'If we meet any terrorists, I'll text you.'
Review - Why should you watch 'The Ghost Writer'? Ewan McGregor. The storyline probably won't do it for you. The script is quietly very witty, but that might not be enough to move you either. Pierce Brosnan has never, let's face it, been very good, and he plays the Prime Minister much like he would play, oh, say, a spy. That is, in a one-dimensional manner. Which is fine, because he isn't the focus of the storyline - McGregor is. You can't help but care about whether or not he's going to be pushed off a boat somewhere, and after a while you even forget that his American accent is not the most convincing of jobs (hell, it's better than Sean Bean's, and he plays Americans all the damn time). The directing is good, but so subtle that you might not notice how good; the locations are fantastic; the whole thing is doused in a kind of unease that is just right for a thriller. Either you'll leap right in and it will entertain you, or you'll sit back and it won't. You'll have to work for it, though - this isn't the kind of film that will grab you in, you have to make the first move. My advice? Make it, or you'll be wasting a couple of hours of your life. 2.5/5
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