Stars - Gerard Butler, Jennifer Aniston, Christine Baranski
Director - Andy Tennant
Memorable Quote - 'Life is making mistakes.'
Review - The most exciting thing about this movie is the fact that, when I went to the theatre to see The Little Dog Laughed, I saw the premiere taking place :3 Gerard Butler is very nice in the flesh, I feel I should add. The next most important thing to say is that Christine Baranski freaks me the hell out. I can't really explain it, but JESUS. Anyway, this is quite a good little romcom, but I wouldn't go in expecting anything serious or mentally challenging. It's all very easy and predictable, which isn't always a bad thing. Plus, you get to look at Gerard Butler/Jennifer Aniston all the way through (fill out your preference)! All in all, not bad. Worth watching again? Maybe not. But would I watch it again if it was on TV at Christmas? Yes, probably. 3/5
#2 - WAR
Stars - Jet Li, Jason Statham
Director - Phillip G. Atwell
Memorable Quote - 'Tom Lone is dead. My name is Rogue.'
Review - So, Jet Li's pretty cool, right? All the same, that didn't stop this from being really quite a dumb movie, considering how clever it tried to be. I was able to predict the 'shock twist' after the explosion scene, so they didn't really disguise their plot intentions very well, and in the end it was hard to believe anyway. It was one simple point that ruined the concept: Statham's character commented on the fact that Jet Li's eyes were just like Rogue's, and that's how he recognised them. Well, I'm sorry, but if this guy was supposed to be his best friend and partner, someone eh looked at every day, he would not have made the mistake. Basically what he was saying was, 'You're Asian, so you must be Rogue.' The film then has two choices - either it's dumb, or racist. I'm willing to bet the director would rather be seen as dumb. Fight scenes were good but boring, since you've seen them all before in every Hollywood movie starring Jet Li or Jackie Chan ever. Lastly, from what I've read and the fact that the casts are pretty similar, I would say don't bother with this if you're going to watch The Expendables. You might find you've watched a very similar movie. 2/5
Stars - Zoe Saldana, Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez
Director - James Cameron
Memorable Quote - 'And we will show the Sky People... that they can not take whatever they want! And that this... this is our land!'
Review - So, let's just say this now: If I hate Avatar, then it will look as if I'm trying to be hip and cool, since all movie critics hate Avatar. If I love Avatar, I must be naive and a bad critic, since only members of the public love Avatar. But you know what? Screw it, let's get an unbiased review going here. First of all, I did not see this in 3D, but the graphics are certainly very beautiful. The storyline is tolerable, so long as you don't dig too deeply in your thinking about it. This is a light entertainment movie, and I think in that sense that people have been taking it too seriously. On the other hand, when you look at the other recent big disappointments, such as the last Indiana Jones, you will see that the one thing people can't stand is rules that don't work even in the movieverse. For example, the "blue monkeys" fire their weapons at the helicopters while the first attack is happening, and they are ineffectual. However, as if by magic, by the time of the second battle they suddenly have weapons strong enough to pierce the glass and go all the way through the pilots. Right, okay. Also, why on earth would we take a helicopter design that works perfectly well, and in the future, change it to something resembling a Da Vinci drawing? Why is it taken for granted that, while the Na'vi cannot tame those huge birds, a human is always going to be inherently stronger than the natives and able to do such a thing? Surely his Na'vi DNA would be weaker due to the watering down with human cells! And how cruel a message to give to an audience, that if you are in a wheelchair you can only be happy if you manage to escape to a different world and get a new body! There are so many flaws with this that the beautiful CGI work is ignored in favour of rampant criticism, something that only Cameron can be to blame for. I mean, who the hell thought it was a good plan to call something 'unobtainium'? Seriously? If you want to use ridiculous names and ridiculous concepts, make a kid's movie. It won't wash with a mature audience. 3/5
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