Stars - Desmond Harrington, Eliza Dushku, Emmanuelle Chriqui
Director - Rob Schmidt
Memorable Quote - 'We are never going into the woods again!'
Review - First of all, being a fan of both Dexter and Buffy, it was a little weird to see Quinn and Faith teaming up. However, it's pretty accurate that those two would survive, and weird coincidences abound - most notably Harrington's character's names: Joey Quinn and Chris Flynn. Typecasting at its best. So, onto the plot of this movie. It was quite predictable, in that you knew who would die when and who would survive - it pretty much played it safe by the horror movie rules. Interesting concept since it was all justified at the beginning, although even in the realms of cinema they were stretching credibility a bit by having one of the cannibals alive at the end. It was actually almost comic as they kept fighting the three in the cabin, only to have one of them get back up every time they thought they had finished another off, and it went on just long enough - longer would have become tedious. Lots of good action scenes and all that, very good in that sense also, although they had the traditional 'you deserve to die for being so stupid' moment - sitting there in the car watching someone get shot with arrows right in front of them and not figuring that therefore the arrows can also reach them. The 'shred of hope destroyed' device was well employed in the escape along the ridge, the watchtower scene, and the arrival of the police officer. All in all, not a bad little horror movie, with just enough gore and ridiculousness to stop it being actually terrifying. 4/5
Stars - Erica Leerhson, Henry Rollins, Texas Battle, Matthew Currie Holmes
Director - Joe Lynch
Memorable Quote - 'WHAT IS THAT?'
Review - Okay so whoever decided to put Henry Rollins in a horror movie was an ABSOLUTE GENIUS. Seriously, they deserve cred. Throughout the entire thing you're just waiting to see what awesome thing he might do next! Whether blowing things up, quipping, or escaping from being tied upside down even after being stabbed three or four times, he makes the movie. This was also less predictable than the first one: I would have guessed that Rollins and Mara would have survived, being the Marine and the girl who needs to believe in herself more, but no; Token black guy actually survived for once, as did alt girl with an attitude! Hooray for minorities! It also explains a lot more about the mutants, for example the fact that they do actually live in families (I always wondered how the first three would have survived anyway, being single males), and who their father was. I knew there was something off about that guy when he first popped up talking to Desmond Harrington. It was also quite interesting to have it in the format of a reality TV show, which actually made it seem more likely to happen, more real. You can't argue with a plot device that does that. My gripe with this movie would be the hardiness of the mutants - since Wrong Turn 1 they have become even tougher, and the whole clicking-bones-back-in was used a bit too much and a bit too easily, if you ask me. Just once, I'd like to see one of those things actually die first time round, like you would expect. Although to be fair many of them did succumb to the Rollinator. Finally, the meat grinder scene at the end there was really quite epic, and the treatment of the contestants went much further than the first movie - when alt girl was tied to a chair with barbed wire being a great example of this. Actually, that scene reminded me a bit of the table scene in Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning... When will those gutsy females learn to keep their mouths shut and get out a little more unscathed, hmm? Perhaps we'll be seeing another Wrong Turn movie, as hinted by the baby at the end; I certainly wouldn't object to seeing another. Also a 4/5. Bonus Rollins:
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